Setting off together

Discover the surrounding area of Hilvarenbeek

There is so much to see and do in the area surrounding Hilvarenbeek. The various museums, beautiful conservation areas and adventurous day attractions are definitely places of interest. Below, we’ve provided a select number of locations that are definitely worth a visit!


Enjoy nature

Enjoy Brabant’s beautiful landscape at various conservation areas. Go for a delightfully restful walk or explore the area by bicycle.

The Kempische Landgoederen
One of the best places to enjoy the outdoors, and the peace and quiet, is the Kempische Landgoederen. Follow the path and be amazed.

Annanina’s Rust
A walk at Annanina’s Rust takes you past a range of different tree species, and two forester huts from days gone by.

Loonse and Drunense Dunes National Park
Thanks to the vast sand flats, these dunes are also known as ‘the Sahara of Noord-Brabant’.

A cultural day out

In and around Beekse Bergen there are various cultural institutions that are worth a visit. Discover the options!

Museum De Pont
This museum mainly exhibits modern art. Come and experience the way in which today’s artists see the world.

Vincents Tekenlokaal
Vincent van Gogh took his first drawing lessons in this art room. Have a look around at your leisure and join in the activities.

Natuurmuseum Brabant
Natuurmuseum Brabant (Brabant Nature Museum) brings you as close to nature as you can possibly get and teaches you all there is to know about animals, humans and plants. 
