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Contact & Directions to Beekse Bergen

Do you have any questions or comments about your visit to Beekse Bergen? Contact us by phone! Check out the directions and plan your adventure.

Beekse Bergen locations

Visiting Beekse Bergen by car

From Utrecht

Travel time: about 60 minutes (81.7 km).
Take the A2 towards Tilburg and continue in the direction of the N65 (signs to Vught-Zuid/Helvoirt/Tilburg). Continue along the A65 and take exit N269 onto Tilburgseweg towards Hilvarenbeek. Take the Beekse Bergen exit and follow the signs.

From Eindhoven

Travel time: about 30 minutes (33.7 km).
Take PSV-laan and Kastanjelaan onto Tilburgseweg in Strijp. Continue along the A58/E312, take exit N269 onto Tilburgseweg towards Hilvarenbeek. Take the Beekse Bergen exit and follow the signs.

From Breda

Travel time: about 25 minutes (31.1 km).
Take the A27 from Franklin Rooseveltlaan. Continue along the A58/E312, take exit N269 onto Tilburgseweg towards Hilvarenbeek. Take the Beekse Bergen exit and follow the signs.

From Arnhem

Travel time: about 60 minutes (88.2 km).
Take the N225 to Nijmeegseweg and continue along the A325. Continue to the N65 (signs to Vught-Zuid/Helvoirt/Tilburg). Continue along the A65 and take exit N269 onto Tilburgseweg towards Hilvarenbeek. Take the Beekse Bergen exit and follow the signs.

From Rotterdam

Travel time: about 60 minutes (82.0 km).
Take the A16 in IJsselmonde from the S100 and S107. Continue along the A16 and A58/E312 and take exit N269 onto Tilburgseweg towards Hilvarenbeek. Take the Beekse Bergen exit and follow the signs.

From Antwerpen

Travel time: about 60 minutes (76.1 km).
Take the E19 from the N1. Continue along the E19 and A58/E312, take exit N269 onto Tilburgseweg towards Hilvarenbeek. Take the Beekse Bergen exit and follow the signs.

Visiting Beekse Bergen by public transport

From the Netherlands 

Beekse Bergen is easily accessible by public transport in the Netherlands. Take the train to Tilburg Centraal, then take the 42a BEST bus towards Hilvarenbeek, or the 143 REUSEL bus via Hilvarenbeek and get off at the Safaripark stop. See or for up-to-date travel information if coming by train or bus.

From Belgium

Visiting Beekse Bergen from Belgium? Take the train towards Turnhout, then Line 450 towards Tilburg. In Tilburg, take the Dutch 43a BEST bus via Hilvarenbeek, or the 143 REUSEL bus via Hilvarenbeek and get off at the Safaripark stop. See or for up-to-date travel information.